Version 2.2.1 (17.12.2021)

  • Bugfix: StateChangeControl may throw exception when EntityManagers with different persistence units are used in the application. Solution: Always set second EntityManager into request context before calling EntityManager methods
  • update third-party library versions

Version 2.2 (27.7.2019)

  • Support of Spring Security 4.1 - 4.2.x
  • EJB-CLIENT sensor supports lookups with ejb:/
  • Controllable.release method check if executed in a transaction
  • Request scope getEntityManager check if executed in a transaction
  • bugfix in CibetUtil comparison with hashcode instead reference
  • Support of Hibernate Envers 4.3.x
  • core-jpa: Support of JPA 2.1
  • new property in CibetFilter and CibetContextFilter: threadCaseId. If set to true a caseId will be generated per thread
  • new actuator HISTORY

Version 2.1 (1.11.2017)

  • updated to new Spring Security version
  • use named native queries instead of native queries
  • new ControlEvent type UPDATEQUERY for JPA update queries
  • use event SELECT instead of INVOKE for JPA select queries
  • cibet-config xsd refactured. Use include and exclude in controls
  • naming of cibet-configs to prevent overriding of setpoints in different files
  • MethodControl: possible to declare only a method name without class
  • new actuator OwnerCheck to control that the logged in user is allowed to manipulate an entity with a tenant/owner
  • Bugfix: return non-static ObjectDiffer as it is not threadsafe in CibetUtil.getObjectDiffer()
  • performance tuning for ArchiveLoader queries
  • implementing own controls simplified

Version 2.0 (2.7.2017)

This is a major release that includes modifications of the database scheme. In cibet-core.jar!WEB-INF/classes/sql migration scripts exist. If installing a fresh new database, the migration scripts are not required. Please follow the comments in the migration scripts carefully and test the migration on test data.

  • custom actuators can be loaded with ServiceLoader pattern
  • Archive integrityCheck MessageDigest only over current record
  • Archive integrity check functionality moved into Archive class
  • ArchiveService renamed to ArchiveLoader, made static and some functionality moved to Archive class
  • Primary key of entities changed to UUID
  • DB schema migration
  • JDBCBridgePersistenceProvider for providing JDBCBridgeEntityManagerFactory for Cibet EntityManager
  • ResourceHandler.fill methods for notification replaced by getNotificationAttributes
  • locking of method simplified: only method name is used to identify method
  • synchronize Locker.lock methods
  • remove interfaces of ArchiveService, DcService, SchedulerService, ShiroService, SpringSecurityService and Locker and make implementations static.
  • DcControllable release/submit/reject/passback methods moved into DcControllable
  • Bugfix for OpenJPA: reset @Version when restoring an Archive
  • Context initialization moved from InitializationService to Context
  • new HttpSessionAuthenticationProvider take tenant, user and user address from http session attributes
  • Remarks and scheduledDate can be set in http session or in Cibet context.
  • MethodControl: be less strict in configuring method parameters: allow unqualified names for String and Date
  • SchedulerActuator init() fixed for no-database business cases
  • Invoker control made less strict: method declaration could end with or without ().
  • ResourceHandler removed, new table Resource, new Resource class model
  • LockedObject removed, moved to DcControllable + Resource
  • dc.DcControllable moved to common.Controllable
  • Attribute ArchiveActuator.integrityCheck changed to non-static

Version 1.9 (9.10.2016)

  • isEagerLoadedAndDetached moved from EventMetadata to Resource
  • common packages in actuator and sensor package
  • new LoadControl actuator
  • catch Throwable instead of Exception in all sensors
  • multiple proxy servers
  • multiple configuration files
  • improve performance: do lazy encoding of http parameters and creation of uniqueId
  • Bugfix CustomAspect when Spring libs are not in the classpath
  • Compilation with Java 1.8
  • Fixed all JavaDoc comments that maven-javadoc-plugin does not compile with 1.8
  • BugFix: config file not found when reinitialising with JMX in Tomcat/Tomee due to ClassLoader issue
  • Bugfix: JAXB context not instantiated when reinitialising with JMX in Tomcat/Tomee due to ClassLoader issue
  • Property interceptorClass in SchedulerActuator renamed to batchInterceptor and type changed from Class to SchedulerTaskInterceptor
  • new property groupId in Archive and DcControllable
  • SQL script for postgresql
  • Bugfix: Actuators registered in Setpoints are not reinitialized when reinit actuators in the Configuration JMX bean

Version Version 1.8.1 (5.7.2016)

  • Do not handle NoResultException as error: log NoResultException in CibetQuery as INFO and set executionStatus to EXECUTED
  • Remove verbose logging in aop.xml
  • Allow non-tenant specific loading of Archives and DcControllables in ArchiveService, DcService and SchedulerService.

Version 1.8 (2.1.2016)

  • configure loading eager and detaching entity in ARCHIVE and DC actuators before storing as Archive or DcControllable.
  • configure loadEager for CibetEntityManager in persistence unit
  • initContext and endContext. start context either - by CibetFilter, CibetContextInterceptor, CibetContextAspect - a sensor - manually with startContext() and endContext() - implicitly by Actuator-Manager classes - implicitly Scheduler batches
  • Bugfix uniqueId of http resource doesn't take http parameters into account
  • Bugfix: re-create unique resource id in EntityManager.persist and when releasing INSERT events
  • SchedulerService: new method ListDifference findExecutedDifferences(DcControllable dc) which lists the executed modifications on a JPA entity at schedule execution time.
  • DcService: passback(EntityManager entityManager, DcControllable co, String remark) for passing back scheduled or postponed JPA entities
  • DcService: submit(EntityManager entityManager, DcControllable co, String remark) for re-submitting scheduled or postponed JPA entities
  • new sensor HTTP-PROXY for controlling http requests on the client side.
  • log stacktrace with the error message when Exception is thrown in sensors
  • Bugfix: In CibetEntityManager.merge detach entity when executionstatus is not EXECUTING
  • updated dependent libraries to the newest versions
  • add descriptions to methods and parameters of Cibet ConfigurationService MBean
  • support one MBean instance per deployed application

Version 1.7.3 (29.11.2015)

  • Bugfix: ArchiveComparator
  • ArchiveService.loadArchivesWithDifferences compares only with previous archives in status EXECUTED
  • DcService: reject(EntityManager entityManager, DcControllable co, String remark) for rejecting scheduled or postponed JPA entities
  • log stacktrace with the warning message when Exception is thrown in sensors

Version 1.7.2 (10.11.2015)

  • Bugfix: fix NPE when comparing objects that are not Java beans

Version 1.7.1 (7.11.2015)

  • Bugfix: when releasing a resource set scheduledDate only if DC executionStatus != SCHEDULED.
  • Bugfix: In JpaUpdateResourceHandler.apply() reset control event into context just before calling merge
  • implement release and reject of scheduled business cases
  • SchedulerActuator: load eager only when scheduled date is set in context
  • POJO sensor renamed to ASPECT, HTTP(SERVER) to HTTP-FILTER

Version 1.7 (8.8.2015)

  • Bugfix: If CibetContextInterceptor is executed more than one time in a http request the Cibet EntityManager is lost in scope
  • Allow URI exclude patterns for CibetFilter and CibetContextFilter
  • Allow anonymous login with CibetFilter. User is taken from remoteUser or principal if present. Otherwise from remote IP and port
  • Redesign of AuthenticationProvider functionality as chained providers.
  • Allow relative time configuration for SchedulerActuator.timerStart with +
  • Execution of scheduled business cases is done as RELEASE ControlEvent
  • Bugfix: Fixed doubled creation of DcControllable during execution of scheduler when both SCHEDULER and FOUR_EYES are applied
  • Callback functionality for Scheduler batch execution
  • return all scheduled DcControllable in ScheduledException, not only the first one.
  • allow ignoring ScheduledException after inspection of an already scheduled resource
  • Bugfix close context in CibetEntityManager when it is not managed
  • New CibetContext annotation to manage context in pojo invocations
  • CibetEntityManager returns loaded entities as is, without lazy loading and detaching. This is done now in before methods of ARCHIVE, DC and SCHEDULER actuators

Version 1.6.2 (19.5.2015)

  • SchedulerActuator, TwoManRuleActuator: take care for NotSerializableException when setting proxied objects into Resource
  • Bugfix in SpringSecurityActuator: do not execute beforeEvent for other resources when processing http resources
  • Bugfix in CibetEntityManager: native EM could be closed when dual control event is rejected
  • Bugfix in ConditionControl: fixed script exception if condition contains attributes which are not present for the given resource. Error occurs if a setpoint contains only condition control
  • sensor EJB3 renamed to EJB
  • sensor SERVLET renamed to HTTP(SERVER)
  • #37: handle exceptions in sensors after... actuator methods. Set execution status to ERROR
  • Bugfix: MethodControl with method parameters is not correctly evaluated when the metadata contain additional parameters
  • #44: Client-side sensor for EJB invocations
  • guideline for migration of serialized objects

Version 1.6.1 (12.1.2015)

  • Bugfix: Wrong ControlEvent in Context when method is invoked and within the method execution another resource is controlled
  • #88: new SchedulerActuator
  • Bugfix EJB lookup strategies look also for Singletons
  • DcService new methods for releasing that take Connection as parameter for JDBC resources and without EM parameter for non-persistence resources.
  • Bugfix: JdbcResourceHandler apply method must use application EntityManager instead of Cibet EntityManager.
  • Comparing objects is migrated to java-object-diff. returns a List of Difference objects
  • Bugfix: close EntityManagerFactory in CibetContextFilter.destroy()
  • methods removed
  • new CibetContextInterceptor for initialising EntityManager and user in EJB invocations
  • Bugfix: when entities are added to a collection in a parent entity, the primary keys of the added entities were not stored in Archive and DcControllable resources. This has been fixed.
  • package structure refactured
  • Bugfix: remove context in Filter even if endTransaction() throws Exception
  • Bugfix: CibetFilter must not overwrite destroy() method of CibetContextFilter
  • Bugfix: Deregister JDBC driver on shutdown
  • INSERT SQL statement for CIB_SEQUENCE added to installation scripts

Version 1.6 (9.11.2014)

  • Bugfix: In CibetUtil.loadLazyEntities() do not access transient fields and @Transient annotated fields and methods
  • #2: Setting of POJO sensor through configuration of custom aspect in aop.xml
  • JAXB generated class InExAttributeBinding generates public Boolean getExclude() instead of public Boolean isExclude()
  • set property integrityCheck static in ArchiveActuator
  • #3: Encryption of sensible data in Archive and DcControllable
  • #4: Management of secret/key though a reference that is stored in Archive and DcControllable
  • configuration values of Setpoints in configuration file can be quoted to allow comma and apostrophe in values
  • #86: Sensor for JPA queries
  • #15: application monitoring and controlling by MBean
  • JdbcBridgeEntityManager: createQuery methods return always a Query object.
  • ApprovalStatus, NotificationType and ExecutionStatus unified to ExecutionStatus
  • #20: New dual control event PASSBACK and SUBMIT: A releasing user can return the postponed business case under dual control to the user who initiated it for it to be changed. After change, the inititating user submits the business case again.
  • Bugfix: apply encrypt and integritycheck properties of self defined ArchiveActuators with own name.
  • #87: Store additional attributes of JPA entities with Archive and DcControllable. Can be used for searching.
  • #32: new EnversActuator to control persistence auditing with Hibernate Envers
  • increase performance: when persistent events are controlled by DC it is no more checked if the entity is persistent.
  • UnapprovedEntityException contains now the DcControllable object that represents the unapproved resource.
  • PostponedException contains now the DcControllable object which has been created and stored in the database to memorize the business case
  • ExecutionStatus RELEASED has been removed and replaced by EXECUTED
  • @Column annotations added to entities with length of columns to avoid warnings in Glassfish/EclipseLink

Version 1.5 (3.5.2014)

  • Bugfix: fixed Exception in CibetContextFilter when http session is invalidated
  • Bugfix: added argNames to CibetAspect
  • #73: EventMetadata interface streamlined
  • NOT NULL restriction removed for ARCHIVE.createUser. user could be null in Archive, when no user is logged in, an Archive may be persisted as well.
  • Bugfix: Fixed Exception when ARCHIVE actuator is set for RELEASE and the release is denied by SHIRO or SPRING_SECURITY
  • Bugfix: Release of an INSERT event sets object id in all previous Archives of that caseId, not only the INSERT archive
  • Bugfix: Spring applications with more than one AbstractAccessDecisionManagers could throw NoSuchBeanDefinitionException during startup. More than one AbstractAccessDecisionManagers are possible now.
  • Bugfix: set the EntityManager type in Cibet filter to avoid rollback of transaction when IllegalStateException is thrown in RequestScopeContext.setEntityManager() (observed only in Glassfish)
  • Bugfix: Fixed ClassNotFoundException in ArchiveActuator when storing http attributes that are not in ClassLoader
  • Bugfix: ClassNotFoundException of DeniedException in SE environment
  • Bugfix: reset application EntityManager into request context in CibetEntityManager in SE applications
  • Bugfix: fallback to retrieve @ID value from annotated attribute if PersistenceUnitUtil.getIdentity returns null (observed in not enhanced entities with EclipseLink)
  • Add version to Archive for optimistic locking
  • Bugfix: ShiroActuator fixed processing when requiresAuthentication, requiresUser or requiresGuest are set to false
  • Bugfix: begin transaction when EntityManager is already set in CibetServletContext and no transaction is active
  • automatic setting of JdbcBridgeEntityManager in CibetContextFilter in JDBC applications. See
  • Intercept annotation renamed to CibetIntercept
  • #51: @CibetIntercept can be set on method level or on class level
  • ReleaseException is renamed to ResourceApplyException as it is thrown not only during release but also during reject, redo and restore.
  • CibetUtil: performance increased of loading of lazy entities. Static attributes and objects of type Class and Date are not loaded
  • Bugfix: in multi-threaded environments updating of first Archive in ArchivePersister could lead to OptimisticLockException in rare situations. Archive is refreshed from database.
  • JdbcBridgeEntityManager.refresh(Object) implemented
  • Bugfix: ArchivePersister refresh first Archive when lastArchiveId is not equal to the current lastArchiveId.
  • Refactoring: new concept of Resource. The Resource is the item that is controlled when it is monitored by a sensor. A Resource is e.g. a persistence entity, a method, an HTTP URL or a database table.
  • remark property moved from Session scope to request scope. Remark parameter in methods release, reject, redo and restore overwrite remark property in request scope if present.
  • Servlet sensor CibetFilter returns EventResult as header in http response. With CibetUtil, the String typed header value can be decoded into an EventResult object.
  • #66, #68: new functionality play. In playing mode the event is executed in a sandbox and the EventResult can be checked for the result if the event was executed in normal mode.
  • #71: new dual control actuator PARALLEL_DC: This actuator realizes a dual control scheme where a business case is executed more than once, optionally by different users, without having any impact to the system. Another user compares the results together with the input parameters and decides which of the variants to reject and which to release.
  • #17: new ControlEvent SELECT for controlling the JPA find- methods.

Version 1.4 (3.11.2013)

  • properties secretKey and integrityCheck of ArchiveActuator changed from static to non-static.
  • names of properties of SpringSecurityActuator changed to start with a low case to make them Java beans compliant
  • Issue #59: Use commons beanutils to set actuator properties from xml configuration
  • Setpoint changed methods to add Controls: instead of added, the Controls are set in order to make the interface stringent. Setting a control replaces the existing.
  • Control interface enhanced to better support custom controls.
  • Issue #63: Move inheritance code of Controls into abstract class. Allows custom controls to make use of this code. Inheritance functionality moved to AbstractControl
  • issue #27: Allow registering of Control implementations in cibet-config.xml
  • allow definition of custom controls in setpoints.
  • re-changed ControlEvent from String to Enumeration (undo from v1.1)
  • Actuator interface changed: beforeInsert, beforeDelete, beforeUpdate and beforeInvoke are summarized to beforeEvent. afterInsert, afterDelete, afterUpdate and afterInvoke are summarized to afterEvent.
  • two new ControlEvents added: RESTORE_INSERT and RESTORE_UPDATE
  • executionStatus attribute added to Archive. Shows the execution result of the business case.
  • ArchiveActuator stores also denied business cases with executionStatus = DENIED.
  • internal ControlEvents are removed. DcControllable has new attribute approvalStatus instead.
  • DcControllable objects are kept in database after release/reject.
  • AuthenticationProvider has new method getUserAddress()
  • if ApprovalUser and ApprovalAddress are set into CibetContext it will be stored with the DcControllable and approval can be done only by this user.
  • issue #46, #40: Notification of users of control events like release/reject and assignments per email or http
  • issue #25: CibetContext has an application, a session and a request scoped context
  • CibetContext split into Request and Session scope, internal and external interfaces. Developers can access request scope with Context.requestScope and session scope with Context.sessionScope.
  • ConditionControl: request scope properties are put into the JavaScript context as $REQUESTSCOPE and session scope properties as $SESSIONSCOPE instead of $PROPERTIES. Application context properties are put as $APPLICATIONSCOPE. Property $USER is no longer supported and removed.
  • ConfigurationManager renamed Configuration and made Singleton.
  • Configuration of AuthenticationProvider in cibet_config.xml allows for setting of properties
  • changed from JAVA 1.6 to 1.7
  • Notification when business case under dual control has been postponed, released or rejected. Notification by email or http
  • Controllable object stores remarks of creating, first-releasing and final-releasing user.
  • Instantiation of a JdbcBridgeEntityManager needs an IdGenerator parameter. Constructors that take only one parameter are removed.
  • MethodControl evaluates all control events. Restriction on INVOKE removed.
  • All Manager classes renamed to Service and DefaultService. Singleton removed from Controller

Version 1.3 (13.5.2013)

  • Bugfix: memory leak when context isn't removed at the end of the request in CibetFilter.
  • Issue #18: Control chains have been tested.
  • Bugfix: JDBC prepared statements didn't store parameters correctly when executed multiple times with changing parameters.
  • Bugfix: CibetUtil.loadLazyEntities(): load nested entities of entities that are queried with CibetEntityManager
  • JavaEE6: Inject CibetContext EJB (former ActuatorInvoker) in CibetFilter
  • added @Temporal annotations for compatibility with EclipseLink
  • added identification variables to named queries FROM clauses for compatibility with EclipseLink
  • use enum literals in named queries for compatibility with EclipseLink
  • Bugfix: Cannot store non-serializable attributes in CibetFilter (occurs in JBoss 5)
  • preset EntityManager in filter
  • check CibetContext.getEntityManager() == null
  • ArchiveActuator: When updating an entity, the actual state is archived, not the previous state as before.
  • loading of lazy entities performance increased and streamlined.
  • Bugfix for OpenJPA: Primary key is not stored in Archive and DcControllable: flush EntityManager before executing afterInsert in ArchiveActuator and DC actuators
  • Issue #21: new EventResult interface for monitoring all results of intercepted business cases
  • new Tracker actuator: Writes all results of intercepted business cases into the database
  • update from JPA1 to JPA2
  • package sensor.jpa1 renamed to sensor.jpa
  • introduced separate persistence unit for Cibet entities. This allows to control arbitrary other persistence units
  • added CibetContext.setRollbackOnly() to control transaction for persisting Cibet entities.
  • new interface AuthenticationProvider for automatic setting of user and tenant into Cibet context.
  • dependencies to Shiro and Spring Security libraries removed when they are not in the classpath. ClassLoader.loadClass() checks if ShiroActuator and SpringSecurityActuator can be loaded.
  • Issue #61: Implement the JPA sensor as a JPA provider
  • DcManager: methods release() and reject() take EntityManager for the entity to release/reject as parameter

Version 1.2 (26.11.2012)

  • CibetFilter method lookup() made protected to allow overwriting.
  • Bugfix: dependent on JPA implementation ArchiveManagerImpl.restore() could create a wrong Archive. The find method evaluates then with wrong RESTORE event. When setter methods of the entity are under control, they evaluate to true. The RESTORE event must be set just before persisting or merging the entity.
  • new JdbcBridgeEntityManager: Allows controlling non-JPA application that use JDBC connections and datasources to connect to the database. The JdbcBridgeEntityManager is a bridge between JPA and JDBC. Works with all sensors, even with the JPA sensor (though JPA is normally not used in a JDBC application)
  • ConditionControl: All variables set into the script engine are preceded by a $ now
  • Checksum String for archives does not contain primary key anymore.
  • Interface change: com.logitags.cibet.actuator.archive.ArchiveManager.loadArchives(Class objectClass) changed to ListArchive loadArchives(String targetType); Target type could be e.g. the name of a class or a table name.
  • Class Parameter constructor signature changed
  • Invoker implementations made stateless. Method setParameter() removed
  • Issue 3476553: new JDBC sensor: Allows intercepting and controlling plain JDBC requests.
  • SpringSecurityActuator: catch NoSuchBeanDefinitionException if expected beans are not available in Spring application context.
  • Issue 3567727: SpringSecurityManager allows log on and off of a second user while the first user stays logged on. The second user can be granted permissions for Two-man-rule actuator.
  • actuator properties from configuration file are set with setter method instead of direct field access. This allows implementing adjustment logic in the setter method which was before in method refineProperty. The last method is removed from the interface.
  • package structure changed. Some classes have been moved to new packages in order to have all classes in leaf packages.
  • Allow unset EntityManager in CibetContext: method getEntityManager() does not throw Exception anymore if no EntityManager is set in CibetContext.
  • CibetFilter: transaction commit/rollback is done only if EntityManager is set in CibetContext, otherwise the request is not executed within a transaction.
  • ArchiveActuator: allow empty property setting like <integrityCheck /> and <integrityCheck></integrityCheck>. This corresponds to <integrityCheck>true</integrityCheck> The same is allowed for throwPostponedException in the DcActuators, TwoManRuleActuator.removeSecondUserAfterRelease, LockActuator.throwDeniedException, automaticLockRemoval, automaticUnlock and SpringSecurityActuator.throwDeniedException, secondPrincipal
  • Issue 3461917: new ShiroActuator: Integration with Apache Shiro allows authorization of events. Permissions are set in the Cibet configuration.

Version 1.1 (6.5.2012)

  • Issue 3461911: new CibetContextFilter makes the link between CibetContext and http session. Allows one-time setting of context and the filter ensures that on each http request the context is exchanged between http session and CibetContext. CibetFilter (for SERVLET sensor) inherits from CibetContextFilter.
  • DeniedException contains denied user and causing exception as attributes for information to end user
  • changed ControlEvent from enumeration to simple String. This will allow user-specific ControlEvents in a later release
  • new abstract ControlEvents ALL (all ControlEvents except UNKNOWN) and PERSIST (summarizes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and RESTORE) and DC_CONTROL (summarizes RELEASE, FIRST_RELEASE and REJECT)
  • Issue 3461860: TWO_MAN_RULE actuator. This actuator applies another dual control scheme which is an enhancement of the FOUR_EYES actuator. Additionally to the rule that an event must be validated and released by a second user, an additional constraint is applied: The two users must be present at the same time when executing / releasing the event. This actuator can be used with all sensors.
  • Issue 3461909: LOCKER actuator allows the temporary locking of an event on a resource like persisting an entity, releasing of a dual control event, invocation of a method or requesting a URL. Only the user who sets the lock can execute the event. The lock makes a reservation for the user. Implementation in package actuator.lock
  • Cibet is now deployed in Maven Central repository. This makes it very easy to use it in a Maven application. Just add a dependency to Cibet in your pom.xml.

Version 1.0 (26.12.2011)

  • internal project restructuring
  • internal restructuring of tests
  • benchmarks for setpoint evaluation
  • CibetUtil: Runtime exceptions contain causing exception
  • exception handling in CibetUtil, AnnotationUtil, CibetFilter, HttpRequestInvoker, FactoryInvoker
  • CibetAspect: check param attribute of @Intercept
  • AnnotationUtil: improved handling of generics
  • use Mockito for mocking test classes
  • bugfix: make SpringBeanInvoker.beanId threadsafe
  • EJBInvoker: cache jndi names and InitialContext
  • AbstractEventMetadata, FourEyesActuator, SpringSecurityActuator: set generic type of PostponedException and DeniedException
  • ConfigurationManager: synchronize registerControl() and registerActuator()
  • BindingHelper merged with ConfigurationManager
  • Setpoint: constructor throws IllegalArgumentException
  • Setpoint: make resolveControlEvent() case insensitive
  • ArchiveManager: loadArchivesByObjectId parameter changed to Object
  • DcManager: findUnreleased finds not with wildcards for tenant
  • Bugfix: The element order of collections is arbitrary when loading with JPA. Therefore collections are sorted before comparing the elements.
  • ArchiveManager.restore(): method returns null if the restore event is under dual control
  • Bugfix: remove target output in ClassEventMetadata.toString(). Problems with looping AspectJ calls
  • EjbInvoker: if JNDI name is configured use only this one and don't search for other possible names.
  • CibetContext.userId renamed to CibetContext.user
  • ConditionControl: Variable USERID renamed to USER
  • InvalidUserException extends ReleaseException. Throw IllegalArgumentException instead InvalidUserException when no user set in CibetContext.
  • add ApplicationException declaration for PostponedEjbException and DeniedEjbException into ejb-jar.xml of the module which catches the exception (which is src/test/resources for the tests)
  • Bugfix: don't consider milliseconds for archive checksum string calculation. Some databases do not store milliseconds.
  • Bugfix: Use serializable dummy objects for ServletRequest and ServletResponse in HttpEventMetadata to transfer to ActuatorInvoker EJB instead of real HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse
  • documentation of environment
  • tests against MySql database

Version 0.9 (24.5.2011)

  • integrate Spring Security with delegation from CibetDelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource to DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource
  • separator for tenant hierarchies changed from - to |
  • jndiName made a property of dual control and Archive controllers
  • bugfix: configuration of more than one SecurityActuator in one Setpoint used same cachekey. Now the actuator name is added to the cachekey.
  • refacturing of setpoint configuration xml schema
  • condition control can evaluate script files located from URI or classpath
  • Controller and Control interface methods made more generic with EventMetadata interface
  • bugfix: ConfigurationManager.unregisterSetpoint(String) fixed to remove the setpoint from the map
  • new http sensor
  • archive and dc parameter name and type are stored in tables
  • bug fix: when no actuators are configured for reject and first release events the action was executed by error
  • bug fix: When PostponedException and DeniedException are thrown in EJB environment database transaction is not commited. Created new PostponedException and DeniedException which are ApplicationExceptions
  • bug fix: fix column name lengths for Oracle length restrictions
  • bug fix: fixed ID generator strategy for Archive entity
  • bug fix: sequence of method parameters sometimes not loaded in the correct order from database.
  • bug fix: ArchiveActuator properties checkIntegrity made static and secretKey synchronized

Version 0.8 (6.11.2010)

  • @Override annotations from interface methods removed because they make problems with aspectj
  • New sensor for controlling POJO service class methods
  • POJO sensor supports constructor, static, factory, Singleton or Spring bean instantiation for release and redo events
  • Control implementations and actuators support static method invocation for release and redo events
  • reorganization of actuator package structure
  • ID GeneratedValue strategy changed from Table to Auto
  • database and abstract classes dependencies between dc and archive resolved
  • new SpringSecurityActuator. Authorization control of service method invocations based on Spring Security. Supports authorization of control events.
  • pull mechanism to give client response about an event execution. Client can ask CibetContext about the execute status of the last event. Could be one of EXECUTED, POSTPONED, REJECTED or DENIED
  • optional push mechanism to give client response about an event execution. If the event is not executed because a dual control mechanism is applied a PostponedException can be thrown. If the event is not authorized a DeniedException is thrown. Throwing of an exception can be configured on actuator or setpoint level. Default is not to throw an exception.
  • new control events RELEASE_..., FIRST_RELEASE_... and REJECT_..... Possibility to configure setpoints also with all RELEASE, FIRST_RELEASE, REJECT, REDO and RESTORE events.
  • bugfix Setpoint does not implement Serializable

Version 0.7 (25.6.2010)

  • findbugs reports added
  • minor bug fixes from findbugs
  • bug fix: CibetUtil compare method for entities with lazy loaded associated objects
  • refactoring of classes and packages:
    • coupling between archive and dc packages removed
    • control action and control state removed and transferred to control event
    • release and reject methods removed from Controller interface
    • renaming of ControlledObject and its sub-classes
    • action package renamed to sensor
    • owner renamed into tenant
    • config package renamed to controller
    • Controller renamed to Actuator
  • AbstractActuator super class for Actuators to hide interface enhancements
  • refactoring of configuration:
    • DTD validation exchanged for XSD schema validation
    • JAXB binding of configuration classes
    • Control interface for pluggable control evaluation
    • AbstractControl super class for Control to hide interface enhancements
    • configuration dependent on method signature for INVOKE events
    • configuration dependent on conditions for method parameters
    • class and method defaults and wildcards, package-dependent configuration
    • configuration dependent on state change of domain object attributes
    • defined sequence of actuators is evaluated
    • configuration dependent on JavaScript conditions
    • actuator definition: possibility to define the same actuator with different properties under different names.
    • configuration dependent on calling class and method
    • new configuration API

Version 0.6 (12.4.2010)

  • log4j exchanged for commons-logging
  • ArchiveManager, DcManager and ConfigurationManager interfaces added
  • ArchiveManager, DcManager: API method for comparison of modified objects under dual control
  • ArchiveManager: API for searching Archive objects from the database
  • ArchiveManager: redo for method invocation archives
  • ArchiveManager: restore for data modification archives
  • CibetEntityManager.merge() returns the merged object
  • DcManager.release() returns result of method invocation
  • ARCHIVE scheme archives the old state instead of the new state when an object is updated

Version 0.5.1 (19.2.2010)

  • OpenEJB support
  • fixed integrity check when no records
  • fixed integrity check when new records added after missing records
  • set allocation size of Archive to 1
  • perfumery example application

Version 0.5 (6.12.2009)

  • bug fix: missing object id in serialized archive object
  • bug fix: store invocation result in ARCHIVE scheme
  • project totally restructured to support plugin mechanism
  • pluggable control schemes with SchemeController interface
  • release result value is encoded result value of method.
  • release/reject remark changed to String type
  • test coverage augmented
  • separate configuration tags for entity and method control
  • new INFOLOG scheme
  • attributes integrityCheck and secreteKey shifted to ArchiveController

Version 0.4.1 (8.11.2009)

  • make ConfigurationCache central manager for overall Cibet configuration. Rename to ConfigurationManager
  • ConfigurationManager.restart() methods allows reconfiguration of overall parameters.
  • ControlManager made static
  • Introduced checksums in archives to guarantee data integrity
  • new method in ControlManager to check archive integrity
  • configure methods moved from ControlManager to ConfigurationManager
  • automatic detection of EJB JNDI name in EJBFactory
  • configuration parameter jndiName added to cibet-config.xml

Version 0.4 (24.10.2009)

  • set EntityManager into local thread context
  • Method invocation interception for JavaEE implemented
  • Attribute incidentId added to relate Archive entries of the same incident
  • Cobertura test coverage tool integrated

Version 0.3.2 (12.10.2009)

  • removed internal Derby database
  • persistence context must be set from outside
  • transaction management removed
  • sample persistence.xml for initialisation of ConfigurationCache through MBean
  • tests for Java EE environment
  • bug fixes for Java EE
  • documentation improved

Version 0.3.1 (29.9.2009)

  • internal cibet entities are managed in own internal persistence context
  • embedded encrypted Derby database for internal cibet entities
  • control configuration read from xml file during initialisation
  • internal database connection read from xml file during initialisation
  • cibet context to store and retrieve user id and owner instead of annotations

Version 0.3 (22.9.2009)

first release

  • The dual control mechanism is not implemented for method invocations
  • Archive entries in database are not secured against corruption