A scenario for controlling a domain object

Business requirements could be complex. Here is an example of cibet-config.xml for controlling a domain object. In this case it is a customer. First the business rules are listed and then it is shown how these rules will be mapped by a Cibet configuration of eight setpoints. The rules are:

  • New customers of the premium category can be created and deleted only by users with role PREMIUMOFFICER in a four-eyes control mode.
  • All creations and removals of customers must be traced.
  • Customers of other categories can be created and deleted by any user in a four-eyes control mode.
  • All 4-eyes controlled creations can be released by users of role RELEASER
  • 4-eyes controlled deletions can be released only by users of role PREMIUMOFFICER
  • When an action is released the customer state is archived. The state can later be restored
  • Rejection of 4-eyes controlled creations and deletions of normal customers can be done by users of role NORMALUSER or PREMIUMOFFICER
  • customers of premium category can be rejected only by PREMIUMOFFICER users.
  • Customers can be modified by any user with role NORMALUSER as long as the customer account and the category are untouched.
  • When the account or category are modified it must be done by a user in role PREMIUMOFFICER in a four eyes control mode.
  • The release of this modification must be done by a user in role PREMIUMOFFICER.
  • All customer modifications are archived.
  • Restoring a customer state from the archive can be made by PREMIUMOFFICER users with four eyes control.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cibet xmlns="http://www.logitags.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
     xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.logitags.com http://www.logitags.com/cibet/cibet-config_1.2.xsd">



  <setpoint id="D">
      <tenant>MM Bank</tenant>
      <condition>$Customer.getCategory() != 'PREMIUM'</condition>
    <actuator name="FOUR_EYES"/>
    <actuator name="INFOLOG"/>

  <setpoint id="D1" extends="D">
      <condition>$Customer.getCategory() == 'PREMIUM'</condition>
    <actuator name="FOUR_EYES"/>
    <actuator name="INFOLOG"/>

  <setpoint id="D2" extends="D">
    <actuator name="SPRINGSECURITY_RELEASER"/>
    <actuator name="ARCHIVE"/>

  <setpoint id="D3" extends="D2">
    <actuator name="ARCHIVE"/>

  <setpoint id="D4" extends="D">
      <stateChange exclude="true">account, category</stateChange>
    <actuator name="SPRINGSECURITY_NORMALUSER"/>
    <actuator name="ARCHIVE"/>

  <setpoint id="D5" extends="D2">
      <event>UPDATE, REJECT_UPDATE</event>
      <stateChange>account, category</stateChange>
    <actuator name="FOUR_EYES"/>                                   

  <setpoint id="D6" extends="D5">
    <actuator name="SPRINGSECURITY_RELEASER"/>
    <actuator name="ARCHIVE"/>

  <setpoint id="D7" extends="D2">
    <actuator name="FOUR_EYES"/>                                   
    <actuator name="ARCHIVE"/>
